• Ep 050: Pouting, Wheelbarrows, Kleenex

    Ep 050: Pouting, Wheelbarrows, Kleenex

      What’s the opposite of pouting? One thing we didn’t think about this week, was the other meaning of pouting (ie, sulking), but do you think that changes our conclusion? Also, what’s the opposite of a wheelbarrow, and what’s the opposite of Kleenex? Join in the fun, because it’s nice to hear from you. Are […]

  • Ep 049: Chocolate Eclairs, Brighton Beach, Disgruntlement

    Ep 049: Chocolate Eclairs, Brighton Beach, Disgruntlement

      It’s funny being over a year old. These episodes are fun to make, and the year has just flown by. So, this week, we wonder what might be the opposite of a chocolate eclair, the opposite of Brighton beach, and then the opposite of disgruntlement. What do you think? Are we right? Or are […]

  • Ep 048: Ladybirds, Film Directors, Didgeridoos

    Ep 048: Ladybirds, Film Directors, Didgeridoos

      Because of suggestions from James, Jamie, and Nick, on this week’s podcast of opposites, we discuss what might be the opposite of Ladybirds, or Ladybugs if you prefer, film directors, and didgeridoos (which is a fun word to say). If you would like to suggest a topic for us to debate, please get in […]

  • Ep 047: Aglets, Cement, Grand Theft Auto 3

    Ep 047: Aglets, Cement, Grand Theft Auto 3

      It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day … and a new episode of your favourite podcast of opposites. So, what’s the opposite of aglets (and what on Earth is an aglet anyway?), cement, and Grand Theft Auto 3? Yes, we did GTA before, but this time, it’s a specific title – NO, you […]

  • Ep 046: Tweezers, Marmalade Sandwiches, Woodwork

    Ep 046: Tweezers, Marmalade Sandwiches, Woodwork

      What’s the opposite of tweezers? More importantly, what’s the opposite of a marmalade sandwich (with bonus culinary discussions)? And what’s the opposite of woodwork? Thanks to Kjell, Jamie, and Andy for this week’s suggestions. If you want to suggest something, come visit our Facebook page, or tweet us. We would love to hear from […]

  • Ep 045: Fidget Spinners, Tap Dancing, Vick’s VapoRub

    Ep 045: Fidget Spinners, Tap Dancing, Vick’s VapoRub

      What’s the opposite of a fidget spinner (and if you’re old, what’s a fidget spinner?). More importantly, when we discuss the opposite of tap dancing, do we mean rhythm or Broadway? And what on Earth is Vick’s VapoRub anyway, let alone what’s its opposite? Are we right? Are we wrong? Do you care? Well, […]

  • Ep 044: Bras, PMQs, Binoculars

    Ep 044: Bras, PMQs, Binoculars

      It’s another exciting instalment of your weekly podcast of opposites. This time we wonder what’s the opposite of a bra, then Simon wonders what’s the opposite of Prime Minister’s Questions, before we all wonder what’s the opposite of binoculars. So, what do you think? Are we right? Or are we the opposite of right? […]

  • Ep 043: Pizza, Viking Longships, A Bag For Life

    Ep 043: Pizza, Viking Longships, A Bag For Life

      We know you’ve been wondering it for ages, and so we finally work out what’s the opposite of pizza. And it’s probably not what you think. Then we discuss the opposite of a Viking Longship, and come to a conclusion you might be surprised by. Before finally discussing the opposite of a Bag For […]