• Ep 046: Tweezers, Marmalade Sandwiches, Woodwork

    Ep 046: Tweezers, Marmalade Sandwiches, Woodwork

      What’s the opposite of tweezers? More importantly, what’s the opposite of a marmalade sandwich (with bonus culinary discussions)? And what’s the opposite of woodwork? Thanks to Kjell, Jamie, and Andy for this week’s suggestions. If you want to suggest something, come visit our Facebook page, or tweet us. We would love to hear from […]

  • Ep 045: Fidget Spinners, Tap Dancing, Vick’s VapoRub

    Ep 045: Fidget Spinners, Tap Dancing, Vick’s VapoRub

      What’s the opposite of a fidget spinner (and if you’re old, what’s a fidget spinner?). More importantly, when we discuss the opposite of tap dancing, do we mean rhythm or Broadway? And what on Earth is Vick’s VapoRub anyway, let alone what’s its opposite? Are we right? Are we wrong? Do you care? Well, […]

  • Ep 044: Bras, PMQs, Binoculars

    Ep 044: Bras, PMQs, Binoculars

      It’s another exciting instalment of your weekly podcast of opposites. This time we wonder what’s the opposite of a bra, then Simon wonders what’s the opposite of Prime Minister’s Questions, before we all wonder what’s the opposite of binoculars. So, what do you think? Are we right? Or are we the opposite of right? […]

  • Ep 043: Pizza, Viking Longships, A Bag For Life

    Ep 043: Pizza, Viking Longships, A Bag For Life

      We know you’ve been wondering it for ages, and so we finally work out what’s the opposite of pizza. And it’s probably not what you think. Then we discuss the opposite of a Viking Longship, and come to a conclusion you might be surprised by. Before finally discussing the opposite of a Bag For […]

  • Ep 042: Schadenfreude, Sexting, Dribbling

    Ep 042: Schadenfreude, Sexting, Dribbling

      What’s the opposite of Schadenfreude? Quick, don’t Google it. Well, okay then, what’s the opposite of Sexting. Don’t look embarrassed, answer the question. Fine, how about the opposite of Dribbling? Hey, no, come back. We’re playing a game. Who needs them anyway, when we’ve got you to tell us if we are right, or […]

  • Ep 041: Lettuce, Hotmail, A Good Cup Of Tea Ahhh

    Ep 041: Lettuce, Hotmail, A Good Cup Of Tea Ahhh

      What have lettuce, Hotmail, and a good cup of tea (ahhh) all got in common? That’s right, they are the subjects under discussion for inauguration into the setisoppO wiki of opposites of things that don’t have a natural opposite. Do you think we got it right? Or the opposite of right? Let us know […]

  • Ep 040: Robocop, Turnips, Cake Boss

    Ep 040: Robocop, Turnips, Cake Boss

      So what’s the opposite of Robocop? Or turnips? Or Cake Boss? If only there was a podcast devoted to finding out the opposites of things that don’t have a natura… HANG ON. There is, and this is it. Are we right? Are we the opposite of right? Let us know what you think, and […]

  • Ep 039: Listeners’ Choice Part Two

    Ep 039: Listeners’ Choice Part Two

      This week, we hand the episode over to you again, our lovely listeners, and ask you to suggest things for us to figure out the opposite of. That means we end up talking about Thundercats (courtesy of Gabe), Egg Whisks (care of William Donohue), and the Eurovision Song Contest (per Kristin). So, are we right, or […]